Jewelry Care

Indulge in the enduring beauty of your cherished pieces with our comprehensive Jewelry Care Guide. To safeguard their brilliance, we recommend keeping your jewelry away from prolonged exposure to sweat, water, and harsh chemicals. While our creations are crafted with the utmost precision and durability, these elements can affect the luster over time.
For routine care, gently polish your jewelry with a soft, lint-free cloth to maintain its radiant glow. Store each piece individually in a dry and cool place, preferably in a jewelry box or pouch, to prevent scratching and tangling. As an extra precaution, remove your jewelry before engaging in strenuous activities or applying beauty products.
With a little care, your jewelry will continue to dazzle, embodying the timeless elegance you adore. Embrace the art of preservation and let each piece tell a story of enduring beauty and lasting glamour.